Welcome to Organic Jordan ! Here you can register as NEW DXN Distributor !


Please take a few minutes to fill-in the registration details carefully to ensure that the information provided is correct. The email address will be used for all the future correspondence relating to your distributorship and rewards. Points the Distributor must take note of:

Distributor must know :

  1. The sponsor code cannot be changed once the application has been submitted.
  2. If you already have registered in DXN prior to this registration and if it is active, this registration will be invalid and all the business done under this distributorship will be transferred back to the previously registered distributor code.
  3. This system allow you to do distributor registration, online starter kit redemption, genealogy management, group sales report, check your e-Point and Bonus information, get latest News and Events, get order tracking status and edit/update your personal information
  4. Upon completion of the new distributor registration, you will be given a distributor code to make product purchase at nearest Branch or Service Center and also online through eWorld. 
  5. When your monthly purchase in any single country reached the minimum required sales, you will earn E-point in that particular month.
  6. Distributor registered under this system will receive their earned point(s) in E-Point Only.
  7. In order to redeem the earned point (s), distributors are required to purchase Starter Kit from any Branch/Service Center and register the kit code into the system.
  8. For Registered Distributors without any transaction for the first 12 months will render their membership lapse and their status will be reflected in the system as 'Expired', as per the DXN distributorship expiration terms and conditions.
  9. Distribution is subject to DXN distribution rules and regulations and distributor terms and conditions which may vary from country to country. To register, please follow up on the email in the (contact us) box and refer to the local responsible person via this website (membership number (148006400) to get the version applicable in your country,.
  10. Login to https://www.dxnarabia.com/pws/148006400 to continue registration
  11. Information must be filled in English