Membership Benefits/features:

1-     Lifetime Membership

2-     Get a special discount on products

3-     One world, one market, global support

4-     No risk, 100% stress free, no time limits

5-     Obtaining a percentage of the value of your purchases (points, commission rate         (6%-37%))

6-     Obtaining a percentage of the value of the purchases of everyone who became a        member through you

7-     Get bonuses

      7-1 Development bonus (15%)

      7-2 Driving bonus (15%)

      7-3 Participation in the company's profits globally (2%)

      7-4 Qualification to attend an international training course (2%)

Once you become a member of DXN you are eligible for instant discount on all products. This discount ranges from 15% to 25% of the displayed price for non-members. And you get this discount directly when you purchase the products.

Purchase Bonus

In addition to the instant discount that you get when you purchase any of the company's products, DXN will also pay you at the end of each month a premium ranging from 6% to 37% of your personal purchases and the purchases of all members of your network. The percentage you get is determined by the level you have reached in the company.

If you purchased in one of the months the equivalent of 100 points and were eligible at the end of that month to get a 25% rate, this means that you will get approximately $4 as a bonus for your personal purchases.

If 10 new members join your network in that month (each new member gets 6% premium on purchases), you will also get 19% of each of them’s purchases in that month (the percentage difference)

Development bonus

When you reach a Star Agent (the first prestigious level in the DXN ladder) you will receive a so-called Development Bonus, which is 1% to 5% of the total network purchases of each Star Agent belonging to your network. The difference in the percentage is according to the location of the star client in your network (for example, if the star client belongs to your first generation, you get 5% from it, and if it is in the second generation, you get 4% from it, and so on).

If one person from your first generation reaches a star customer and the sum of his purchases and his network purchases in that month equals 5,000 points, then you will get a development bonus of 5% x 5000 = 250 because of him

If the star customers in your first generation increased to five people and each one of them and their network members made purchases in that month equal to 5,000 points, then you will get 5% x 5000 x 5 = 1250

Phone bonus

When you reach the ruby ​​star level (which is the second level in the DXN levels), the company will reward you with a mobile phone bonus, which is a bonus paid only once

If the number of Al-Nujoom customers in the first generation of your network reaches three people and their points balance is equal to or more than 6000 points, then the mobile phone bonus will be automatically added to the total monthly income that you will receive in that month.

Driving bonus

When you reach the Diamond Star level (which is the third level in the DXN levels) you will be eligible for the so-called Driving Bonus, which is 5% of the total network purchases of each Diamond Star belonging to the first generation of your network, plus 3% to 10% of the purchases of each Diamond Star belongs to the second generation of your network (the variation in the percentage you get from the second generation depends on the number of Diamond Stars in your first generation).

If one person from your first generation reaches a star customer and the sum of his purchases and his network purchases in that month equals 5000 points, then you will get a driving bonus of 5% x 5000 = 250 because of him

If the Star customers in your first generation increased to five people and the number of Diamond Stars in the second generation reached six people and each one of them and their network members made purchases in that month equivalent to 5000 points, then you will get 5% (the driving bonus for the first generation) x 5000 (total points Each 1st generation diamond network) x 5 (the 1st generation diamond stars) + 7.1% (the 2nd generation driving bonus) x 5,000 (the total 2nd generation diamond stars network) x 6 (2nd generation diamond stars) = 1250 + 2130 = 3380

Travel ticket bonus

When you reach the Diamond Star level, the company rewards you with a free travel ticket, which is a one-time bonus

If the number of ruby ​​stars in the first generation of your network reaches five people and each of them receives a mobile phone allowance, then you are entitled to obtain a free travel ticket to visit the company’s farms and factories in Malaysia and meet with its president and members of the company’s management, or compensate for it with sums of money.

Share premium in the company's profits

When you reach the Diamond Star level, you are eligible to receive a percentage of the global company's profits. The method of calculating this bonus is for the company to calculate monthly 2% of its profits from all its global sales in that month, and this percentage is distributed among all the diamond stars in the world according to a special formula that includes the total points of the member’s purchases compared to the points of the country in which the member works compared to the total total points company in that month.

International course bonus

DXN gives its members the opportunity to attend international training courses in addition to hiking and tourism. The company collects 2% of the total points of the purchases of a star or diamond star customer for a year.

When the member’s accumulated total reaches a certain limit, he is entitled to attend one of the international training courses held by the company in some countries, and the company bears the costs of transportation, accommodation and subsistence for the period of the course (mostly between 7 to 10 days), in addition to the member obtaining free travel tickets for those who want to accompany him from his family.

To start working with DXN you have to be a registered member of the company as a distributor or customer,