
What are the benefits of cordyceps mushroom?

The Cordyceps fungus, also known as Caterpillar Fungus, is a genus of parasitic fungi that grow on certain types of insect larvae found in the high mountain regions of China. This fungus attacks the caterpillars and It replaces its tissues and begins to grow. The adult mushroom feeds on more than 90% of the larvae, and the weight of the mushroom may reach 300-500 mg.

More than 400 species of Cordyceps mushrooms have been discovered, but there are two specific types of these species that are of interest to medical research: Cordyceps sinensis, and Cordyceps militaris.

Benefits of cordyceps mushroom

Dietary supplements and products containing the Cordyceps mushroom have become increasingly popular due to their many alleged benefits, but most of the studies that support these benefits are animal or laboratory studies that are insufficient to confirm the purported benefits of the Cordyceps mushroom in humans.

Potential cordyceps mushroom benefits include:

* Cordyceps mushroom to improve immune system functions and reduce inflammation

Some studies indicate that eating cordyceps mushrooms may enhance the health and functions of the immune system, and may also help enhance the health of the cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine, and reproductive systems, as it contains a number of anti-inflammatory compounds such as polysaccharides (in English). Polysaccharides, modified nucleosides, and others.

The use of Cordyceps mushrooms may be particularly beneficial in treating some disease conditions associated with inflammation, such as Crohn's Disease, arthritis, asthma, and others.

* Cordyceps mushroom to combat the symptoms of aging

The Cordyceps mushroom has been traditionally used to reduce fatigue and exhaustion, increase physical strength, and increase sexual power and libido. It is believed that these properties are due to the Cordyceps mushroom containing antioxidant compounds that fight free radicals, prevent oxidative stress, and reduce the signs and symptoms of aging. It strengthens memory and enhances overall body health.

* Cordyceps mushroom to improve athletic performance

It is believed that the Cordyceps mushroom works to increase the body's production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is an essential molecule in the process of delivering energy to the muscles, as this may improve the mechanism of muscle consumption of oxygen, especially during exercise.

The results of a study published in 2010 in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine indicate that the use of nutritional supplements containing the Cordyceps sinensis fungus led to improved athletic performance and contributed to improving general health indicators in older adults. Many other studies also indicate that the Cordyceps fungus may Improves athletic performance, enhances physical capabilities, and improves endurance.

* Cordyceps mushroom to improve sexual functions

The Cordyceps mushroom has been used in folk medicine by males and females to increase sexual arousal and improve reproductive functions. Animal studies also indicate that the Cordyceps mushroom helps the body use oxygen more efficiently, which improves blood circulation and blood flow, which is essential for physical health and functions. Nationality.

Cordyceps mushrooms may also help treat cases of infertility and sexual dysfunction due to their anti-inflammatory, energy-boosting, and stamina-improving properties.

* Cordyceps mushroom to regulate blood sugar levels

The Cordyceps mushroom contains a compound known as D-Mannitol Cordycepin, and 3'-Deoxyadenosine, as these two compounds are believed to help control insulin and blood sugar levels, so it is believed that... Cordyceps mushrooms may help control type 2 diabetes, and some evidence suggests that cordyceps mushrooms may have protective properties for the kidneys, which can be damaged by diabetes.

* Cordyceps mushroom to support heart health

A recent study indicates that there is a link between the use of Cordyceps mushrooms and improved heart health. Other studies also indicate that Cordyceps mushrooms may help protect the heart from damage, reduce cholesterol levels, and prevent coronary heart disease.

Animal studies also indicate that using cordyceps mushrooms may help reduce harmful cholesterol levels, which helps prevent arteriosclerosis, and reduce triglyceride levels, which play a role in the development of heart disease.

Cordyceps mushroom is also used in China to treat arrhythmia.

* Cordyceps mushroom to fight cancer cells

Many laboratory studies indicate that the Cordyceps mushroom has promising anti-cancerous properties. It may also help stop the growth and spread of several types of cancerous tumors. Laboratory studies indicate that the Cordyceps mushroom may be effective in stopping the growth of lung cancer and liver cancer. Colorectal cancer, melanoma, and lymphoma.

Animal studies also indicate that the Cordyceps mushroom may help reduce side effects associated with the use of anti-cancer drugs, including leukopenia, a side effect that may result from the use of chemotherapy or radiotherapy.

Other benefits of cordyceps mushroom

Other potential benefits of cordyceps mushrooms, for which there is no scientific evidence to prove their effectiveness, include:

* Reducing the effects of amikacin on the kidneys of the elderly.

* Improving kidney function in patients suffering from chronic kidney disease, when used with other medications.

* Reducing potential damage to the kidneys as a result of the use of contrast materials or dyes when undergoing some imaging tests.

* Reducing the effects of cyclosporine on the kidneys of people who have undergone kidney transplants.

* Kidney transplantation, as studies indicate that using the Cordyceps mushroom with low doses of cyclosporin improves the results of the transplantation process during the first year, prevents transplant rejection, and reduces the risk of infectious diseases.

* Improving liver function in people suffering from viral hepatitis B.

* Anemia.

* Breathing problems.

* Respiratory infections.

* Cough.

* Vertigo.

* Frequent urination during the night.

* Liver disorders.

* Tinnitus.

Cordyceps mushroom dosage

The appropriate dose of the Cordyceps mushroom depends on several factors such as age, general health condition, and the purpose of using the Cordyceps mushroom. However, due to the lack of sufficient human studies on the Cordyceps mushroom, there is currently no specific amount for the recommended doses for using this mushroom.

The doses used for Cordyceps mushrooms in most human studies range between 1000-3000 mg per day, which has not been linked to the development of any side effects. Therefore, it is recommended to follow the instructions attached to nutritional supplements or products that contain Cordyceps mushrooms regarding the dosage and method of use.